Friday, October 8, 2021


Mr. Winks came into rescue in 2010 or 2011.   I have a hard time remembering the date but I remember him!
He was a tiny puppy who had been turned into rescue because he had so many allergies.  He was fostered and adopted by friends of mine and he has done amazing.   
Winks has had some health issues, and is on heart meds now.  But, it didn't stop him from going on vacation with his family.   
They went to the beach and he had his very own stroller.  He wasn't crazy about those waves!  They were scary.  
His mom and dad took a break and relaxed, but Winks had to checks out the ducks.   It's a vacation, Winks.  Just relax, rest.  I don't think he's listening.  
I know it's October, but really, it's the perfect time to go to the beach.   It's not super hot, there are no crowds, and you have the beach to yourself.   Mr. Winks knows that now.  I'm sure he had a great time!  


  1. Oh Mr Winks... October is Pekingese Beach time!!!

    Looks like he had a wonderful holiday too.

  2. Mr. Winks is very handsome and he has a wonderful and loving home.
