Wednesday, October 6, 2021


What did I do on my birthday?   The day began like everyone else's-- let the dogs out!   Then, coffee is a must!   I have a gathering around me, of course.  They patiently waited for me to finish my coffee and then serve them breakfast. LOL
Time on the porch was next-- read a little, more coffee as a plan for the day was started.
I had dinner with part of my family on Saturday at a seafood spot on a river.   We had so much fun.  My daughter and one of my granddaughters were there.  One of my grandson and my son in law were there.  Being with family is always good.  
Last night, we went out with my younger daughter and her kids.  And there were ducks!
The restaurant was on a lake and the ducks have obviously been fed by restaurant patrons.   They were very friendly as they begged.
Sugar Bit was more interested in the ducks than her food.  
And then home, to relax.   Of course, Zoey wondered where I had gone.   She was just fine once she knew I was home.  She is a momma's girl.   Now, to relax a bit, and head to bed.  It's been a good day.  I'm so blessed.  💟


  1. Happy Birthday Linda .... looks like you had a Wonderful day!!! XXX

  2. Happy Birthday and may many more to come. One of my heroes is Illinois senator and Iraq War veteran Tammy Duckworth and I'm inspired by her mantra "Every day is a gift". So I wish you many gifts
