Friday, October 29, 2021


Minnie and Sissy saw the vet this week. 
Zoey was there, too.  My three old, older, and oldest girls. 
It was all decorated.  
There were hats hanging from the ceiling and skeletons on the floor.  The doggy skeleton has an IV tube. 🤣. Minnie managed to walked between the skeleton legs and knock it down.   🤦‍♀️
Did you do that?   She’s guilty.  But she tried to do it again!  That sweet face is trying to convince me she’s not doing anything wrong. 
I kept her close.  There’s no point in talking to her since she’s deaf. 
Sissy behaved.   As long as I’m close, she’s happy.  
Yep, it was a good visit.  She was ready to head home.  It was too spooky for her 🤣. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh ... that Vet..... a dog skeleton with of all things .... a IV tube!

    Linda .... that is not a Doctor ... she is a Witch! lol

    Only joking ... I think its fun!

    I have my goodies near the door for Sunday but , as you know, some years I get no Trick or Treaters. Oh..... I must put my big Spider on the door too.
