Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Bellamy came into rescue three years ago.  He was a young Peke of 1 1/2 years old.  His owner needed to rehome him.   We were glad to help.  Bellamy went through two adoptive homes before he found the perfect one.  He was a little ball of energy and needed the right place.  
Most of you remember my Starlight.  She loved her babies!  We had to get two bouncy seats or Starlight would climb in with the baby.
Starlight could be testy with adults, but children and babies were ADORED by her. 
We didn't know much about Bellamy when he came into rescue, but....
He seems to be following Starlight's example.   
His mom had a baby, and Bellamy is in love!!  (Don't worry, he's never left alone or unattended with the baby.)   
He has to be close to his new human brother.   
He has taken on being the watch dog for this perfect baby.
He wants to be close to make sure his baby is safe and doesn't need anything.
Yes, I think we have another Starlight here.  A dog who adores babies.
It's such a precious thing to see.  🍼💓


  1. Well I guess we should say Bellamy is a "Mister Sister Nurse" !!!

    Doing a good job Bellamy !

  2. Love these tiny and protective Pekes sent to this earth to love and cAre.
