Sunday, November 7, 2021


The Peke world lost a good friend.  Mr. Magoo.  πŸ’™πŸ’™
He was the beloved boy of Margie.   
Magoo was adopted when he was only a few years old.  He came from a shelter only five minutes from her house.   He was supposed to go to another family, but they backed out.  It was meant to be-- he became part of Margie's family.  
He had his quirky side-- it's a Peke thing.
He had beautiful soulful eyes.
And his smile lit up the room.  
He was all dressed up for his mom and dad's wedding.  What an honor!
Mr. Magoo loved his mom and gave her so much love after her husband, Eddie,  passed away.  
He curled on her shoulder, giving her comfort.
He could have bad hair days like the rest of us.  
In the winter, his hair could grow out-- he was stunning.
He loved hanging out on the couch with his friend, Machi and China Doll.
Mr. Magoo had so many health problems-- and for a time, they were all managed by medication.  But, the medication that helped could also cause other issues and he let his mom know he was done.  He was only 11 years old, but his body was ready to find his friends at the Rainbow Bridge.  

"My sweet little boy...
He was my special boy.
Mr. Magoo
Adopted 6/13
Rainbow Bridge 11/2/21" 
His best friends are thankful he was part of their family.  Machi and China Doll and their mom will miss their boy.  πŸ’™


  1. What a wonderful tribute. RIP Mr.Magog.


  3. I am so sorry for your loss. He was so handsome. May he find all his friends at the bridge.

  4. Margie, I'm so very sorry Mr. Magoo had health problems that in turn created health issues. He was your baby and he crossed because you cared enough to limit his pain.

  5. Sorry I have just seen this !

    Oh Mr Magoo...... what a White Knight you were and so loved .

    Hugs to Mr Magoo's family as I know you will miss him so.
