Thursday, November 25, 2021


It's Thanksgiving.  There are so many things to be thankful for.  
In rescue, I am so thankful for many things.   We have so many people who look out for Pekes in need.   Many of you send me messages or emails about a Peke who needs help.  Some are in our area and I can check on them.  (Some are out of our area, and I have to hope that another rescue is helping.)   
In rescue, you can get caught up in the sadness, in how bad they are when they come to us.  But, that would lead to defeat and burn out.  So, I move past that pretty quickly.  
In rescue, we can lose some-- do we focus on that?   I can't.  
 It would paralyze me-- I focus on the good.  The love.   The Hope.  
So, let's look at all we have been given.  Even if one is gone, remember the love.  Remember the time you had.   Smile at the memories and the antics, and the silliness of the ones you have loved.   Hold on to the joy.  
Zoey is old, and spunky, and deaf, and happy, and almost blind, and full of herself.   Each negative can be off set by a wonderful PLUS.  Just look for it.   I look at the positive-- and YOU are part of that.   For each of you who helps-- thank you!  For each of you who has encouraged us and transported for us, and fostered for us, thank you!   For notes or messages you send to lift us up.  Thank you!   For all who love the Pekingese like we do, for all who know how special they are, you are part of us.  Thank you!   You keep us going and make our days special.  
I got good news on Zoey yesterday.  I've shared with you that she has either leukemia or lymphoma.  We are following her progress, watching her white count.  Zoey's latest test show her white count did not go up this month.  Yes, it's high, but it's not changing.   Her lymphocyte count went up a tiny bit, but she's doing great.   She waddles and races to keep up with me.  She eats well.  Her ears are bouncing when she walks.    At night, she sometimes comes up to me so I can put a hand on her.   She may not hear or see much, but she lives her life fully.  She is happy.  I am so glad she's here.  I'm so glad she came into rescue and has stayed in my home for care.   I AM THANKFUL.  

Today, look at your blessings.  Be thankful for each one.  There are so many.  Giving thanks every moment will change you.  I've seen it.  

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you all in the Must Love Pekes Gang !

    love from the Aussies
