Tuesday, December 7, 2021


I had many plans for yesterday-- more on line shopping, putting snow on the trees.   I was going to bathe Abigail Peke, and return a few items before the kids got out of school.   So, before showering myself, I decided to get Abigail cleaned.  With her on-going skin issues, I knew she would feel better if her skin was cleaned, and then I could also check for other areas that might be having problems.  
Abigail is my friend's dog and I'm taking care of her for the week.  She is a dollbaby, at 9.5 pounds.   All sweetness.  
I bathed her and then to the drying table.   I have the trimmers and scissors,...
and the brushes and blow dryer.  She was SO good!!
I found some other areas that were having issues.
Her back had a spot beginning, and her tail/back end had a large area that needed help.   She's on antibiotics, and a culture has been sent out.  But, it can take 5-7 days for the results to come back.   In the meantime, Abigail loves lap time, and has the prettiest eyes.   Her eyes are better with the meds, but they are still swollen.  We just don't know what is going on.   I trimmed hair around her sore areas (sorry Toni!) because the hair needed to be aware from them, so they could heal.   
She was all dry and clean and she got a new sweater on, and had a treat.   
AND THEN...... still in my sweats, and my hair in a pony tail, tennis shoes on my feet... I got a call from my grandkids school.  Sugar Bit was having a seizure, so off I went.   I looked "rough" but who cares.  With a mask on, who can tell who I am!   We were taken to Children's Hospital of the Kings' Daughters and the neurologist was consulted.   Sugar Bit is a patient there already, and has been on seizure medication.   We were there about 3-4 hours, and then we were able to go home.   She is still a little unstable (written Monday evening), so she may be home from school another day.  But, she is okay and we were able to come home.
A long day, an unexpected day, and I took time to just SIT on the porch, look at the Christmas decorations, which always bring peace to me.  I just sat.   For awhile.   All will be fine.  I'll start my day again-- things can wait.  Children can't.    The dogs and I enjoyed the evening after Sugar Bit was settled.   All is good.  Blessings are here.  Time for a pause.  🎄

1 comment:

  1. Oh Linda..... I am so glad Sugar Bit could come home.
    Lets hope that is the last of them!
    Just relax if you can XXX
