Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Gidget on the left looks so much like Sissy.   I find myself doing double takes.
When Rocky and Gidget came, I couldn't touch Rocky.  He was just terrified.   Gidget was outgoing from the beginning.  Look at Rocky's eyes now-- he's come SO FAR within just a few days.  
Gidget is small (under 11 pounds), but she has a mighty voice.   So, she wouldn't be good in an apartment or condo.   She might want to talk to the neighbors.  LOL
Rocky has become more secure here in just a few days.   He has discovered the many dogs beds.
He will climb the steps to the couch,  His eyes do not look like he is 14.  
Gidget has claimed the couch and loves to be cozy on top.
They can go up and down stairs.  WOW.  Only a few here can do that.  They also found the mirror in our room-- they were very interested in the two Pekes they saw.  LOL
Rocky was scared at first, but now I can pet him and he puts his feet up on my leg for attention.  Look at his smile!
The playroom couch has room for at least four-- that's my spot by Zoey.   Rocky and Gidget aren't a bit aggressive with the other dogs.  (And so far, Paddington is being good LOL.)
Rocky was enjoying the beds in front of the fireplace with Minnie.  
Paddington is doing okay with them.  But, he's keeping an eye on them. LOL
For now, they are both safe and loved here.  They will have a Merry Christmas.  They are showing me how resilient they are.  We will find them a good home.   (We are not doing any adoptions until after the New Year-- )  💙💜

1 comment:

  1. Rocky and Gidget will have a lovely Christmas with you and your family Linda.

    They look like they have really settled in.
