Monday, December 13, 2021


I wanted to give you an update on Zoey.   Here she is with her "mini"-- a stuffed dog I dressed like her.  
Zoey has quite a few seasonal outfits.   The Christmas tree outfits will begin daily appearances.
Her LOVE shirt is a favorite, because my friend Michelle gave it to me.
Zoey and Sissy hang out on the couch.  
Zoey has been here since August of 2020.     She wasn't in good shape.   Her hair was missing and her jaw was gone due to lack of care.  The inside of her mouth is not formed normally due to all the infections she must have had.  Her three teeth had to be removed, but she eats like a champ.  
I know that Zoey lived in a home where there was constant smoke, from three smokers.    I began to do research on that.  
I know everyone is aware of the risk of smoking and what it can do to our body.   But,....
What can it do to our pets?    Zoey was breathing in constant smoke in her previous home.   
There was smoke in the air, on the furniture, in their clothing.   So, when I found out Zoey has leukemia/lymphoma, I stepped up my research on it.   And then last week, I found out she has a growth on her eye (that is very visible) and that it is probably melanoma.  Again, caused by being around smokers all her life?    I'm not trying to cause guilt here-- I just feel that Zoey is paying a big price for her previous life.  
Zoey is still eating well, she has bloodwork every few months to check her white count.  I check her neck for swollen lymph glands.   I monitor her continually.   Her vision is decreasing, and the mass on her eye will continue to grow.  There will come a point where I will have to make a decision, but it's not now.   I hope she has a long time to live.  I'm her person and she is secure when I'm close.   She goes many places with me if dogs are allowed.   I'm so happy that Zoey came into my life.  She's the sweetest girl, my little companion.   She's going to have a very happy Christmas.  

1 comment:

  1. Happy Christmas to little Zoey and may she stay well !!!

    Very cute in her many outfits!
