Friday, January 28, 2022


Gidget and Rocky are so sweet.   He has come a long way, and Gidget is precious.
She helps me do my quiet time each morning.  She has decided that sitting on the table is okay.  LOL
She walked around it to find a spot to lay down.  Silly girl.
And around....
Rocky's coat on his back is thin so sweaters are his friend.   I hope he will continue to get more hair and become healthier as he is a good eater and loves his meals.
In the snow, they were the two who were always willing to go out with me, even though the snow was a challenge for the rest.
Gidget loves being on top of the couch-- the playroom/office couch is firmer, but also narrow at the top, so it's an adventure getting up there.  😁  The family room couch is much softer and with cushions.   We sometimes lose her behind them.  LOL
All 11 pounds of Gidget can keep Callie under control.   So funny.
She MUST sleep on the bed (or she will sing)  -- the top of my pillow is where she has decided to sleep.   I just scoot my head further down.  The things we do.
  Sissy is close, too.  We have a lot of snugglers.
Rescue is a continuous adventure here.   We have had the opportunity to love so many.  
What a privilege.  πŸ’™πŸ’—πŸ’—

1 comment:

  1. Oh they are so cute up on the stairs!

    We have a cool change and thunder plus Rain!!! Yeah.

    Yum Yum is so much happier. lol
