Monday, February 28, 2022


Bogie and Sugar see that their dad is up to something.  
They are removing wallpaper and painting!   Bogie has tools so he is ready.  
Did you paint that Bogie?  Wallpaper down.  Painting done!  Wow!  You did a great job!  
You are so handy and I don’t even see any paint in your hair.  
What a great help you were!! Good job!! 


Sunday, February 27, 2022


Fluffys hair is growing back on her surgery sites.  
Yesterday, I trimmed her and she had a bath and cream rinse.  She was so good being blown dry.  
She had a snack.  Yum yum!! 
Then it was lap time and cuddles.   She says HAPPY SUNDAY!!

Saturday, February 26, 2022


I told you that Taz and Cy had been adopted.   We love updates. 
We want to know they are doing fine.  It helps us “close the chapter” when we know they are adjusting.  Of course, the story continues as we hear about their new lives   Our love for our fosters continues even after the adoptions occur.   They’re always part of our rescue family.  

They are both doing great. 
New sweaters, new home, new family and lots of love!!  
 It’s a new start to the rest of their lives. ❤️❤️

Friday, February 25, 2022


In the light of world events, we need to smile.  So, Tuk Tuk is here to encourage that.   Are you in the dog house, Tuk Tuk?
Tuk Tuk is an active puppy-- and he just turned one year old!!  I know his birthday is the end of February, so I declare today as his birthday.  Sounds good to me!
We almost never get puppies into rescue, and he had enough energy for four!  In this picture, he had been running around in the rain, and having a blast.
Did you mom make you come inside?  How sad!
How did you get dirt on your nose?    Tuk Tuk is always into something.  
Tuk Tuk, we all hope you have a wonderful birthday!   You have so many more years to harass-- I mean love-- your family!    

Thursday, February 24, 2022


Olivia came into rescue 8 months ago when her owner passed away.   
She was almost 16 when we got her.
She was able to get around on her own and go on short walks.  
She slept a lot-- the older ones do.   
She could get comfortable just about anywhere.
And she wasn't opposed to curling up next to Butters.  
She could see and hear a little.  
She loved her foster parents, Sonia and Joe.  But, Joe was her favorite.  💕
She would wander around.
And stop to listen to music. :-) 
"Do you have a treat for me?"
She could get stuck-- Help me!  Of course, she was rescued right away.  
Olivia was a sweet girl.  This week, she had a severe health crisis and was rushed to the vet.  He thinks she had an aneurysm.   She left them quickly.  
In rescue, we know that the older ones might not be with us long.  But, they get the same love and care as all the others.   Olivia was loved and she loved her foster home.   She is now with her owner who passed away last May.  Run to meet her, sweet girl.  💜



Fluffy has been here about a month. 
When I take the dogs outside, Gidget likes to check on Fluffy. 
Fluffy has a path she usually takes.  
Gidget follows along.  
Sometimes Fluffy tries to take a detour.  She thinks there are paths when there aren’t any.   I pick her up and get her back on track. 
Gidget does her best to follow along.  Smells and sounds may get her attention.  
Fluffy can’t hear, so she continues on her way. Our yard is sloped, she she heads downhill. 
Some of you have asked if Fluffy is getting better.   I wish I could say she is.  
She’s eating tiny kibble but she can’t eat canned food unless I finger feed her.  Her mouth can’t coordinate to eat it.  
Her surgery sites have healed and that has helped.  The infections are gone and she smells do much better. But, she does have breathing issues.   We take it a day at a time. 

She knows where her bed is and where her water is.   
She will wander around the house and then find her bed.  For now, today, she is okay. 
She gives me tiny tail wags every so often.  She can’t raise her tail, but every so often, I see her trying to wag.  She is safe and cared for and loved now.  She has all she needs.  💖💖

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Beautiful Ming came into rescue almost three years ago. 
Murphy joined his family after Ming’s sister passed away. 
Murphy has fit in perfectly. 
They are best friends now. 
They’ve been on vacation to the beach w their mom and dad.  Ming even has a bandana to prove it. 
Murphy wants to go back, so winter needs to end fast. 
Ming says he’s ready!  
Mom, you better start packing. 🤣🌊. Summer, hurry up and come.