Thursday, February 24, 2022



Fluffy has been here about a month. 
When I take the dogs outside, Gidget likes to check on Fluffy. 
Fluffy has a path she usually takes.  
Gidget follows along.  
Sometimes Fluffy tries to take a detour.  She thinks there are paths when there aren’t any.   I pick her up and get her back on track. 
Gidget does her best to follow along.  Smells and sounds may get her attention.  
Fluffy can’t hear, so she continues on her way. Our yard is sloped, she she heads downhill. 
Some of you have asked if Fluffy is getting better.   I wish I could say she is.  
She’s eating tiny kibble but she can’t eat canned food unless I finger feed her.  Her mouth can’t coordinate to eat it.  
Her surgery sites have healed and that has helped.  The infections are gone and she smells do much better. But, she does have breathing issues.   We take it a day at a time. 

She knows where her bed is and where her water is.   
She will wander around the house and then find her bed.  For now, today, she is okay. 
She gives me tiny tail wags every so often.  She can’t raise her tail, but every so often, I see her trying to wag.  She is safe and cared for and loved now.  She has all she needs.  💖💖

1 comment:

  1. Sending puppy prayers to Fluffy for healing and feeling better !
    She is so sweet Linda.
