Thursday, February 3, 2022


Fluffy has been here over a week and what a difference!  She had her surgeries a week ago.  How can it already be a week?! 
She is eating better and has her own special bowl that was sent to her.  
She has a new sunny area in the family room.  Before, she was in a quieter place so she wouldn’t be bothered, but now she can be where we all are.  
She takes walks around the house and…
Sometimes gets stuck.  “Help the girl!”  Just back up Fluffy. 
Yesterday, as we were outside, she decided to try new paths in the yard.  
They aren’t used much but she wanted to explore.  
“Is that water down there?”  It’s s tiny creek and no ducks were there today but she was fascinated.  
Then, she was ready for a lift back to the house.  We should get her biopsy results next week. Hoping they show good things.   🥰

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