Wednesday, February 9, 2022


Fluffy is healing so well.  She gets her stitches out tomorrow and will have her second antibiotic shot.  She had a bladder infection and is much better. 
She has two teeth left and her mouth is healing from her dental.   She loves her food dish.  I still hand feed her canned food, but she can easily eat tiny kibble now.  
She loves to walk around the house and yard and is stronger now. 
Off she goes.  She can wear a diaper but we go out a lot and she is doing better w training.   She was just never given the chance before. 
Her tongue isn’t hanging out as much now.  As her mouth has healed, she’s more alert and focused.  She can see well but she doesn’t hear.  
The good news is… her biopsies were negative for cancer!!   We are thrilled.   Now she can be spayed and then ready to be adopted.  She is perfect for someone who wants to give a senior girl a forever home.   💖💕.  We are waiting!!  


1 comment:

  1. So , so happy to read this Linda!!!

    If you want just a little girl at your feet .... a senior Pekingese is just the best!
    Doing my adoption dance right now.
