Monday, March 21, 2022


I wasn’t feeling well over the weekend.  The kids must have brought a virus home from school.  Two years of masks ended and no masks can mean colds snd viruses come home from school.  Beach Bit is sick, too.  
I slept 12 hours Saturday night and rested on Sunday.  I had help. 
Gidget and Rocky were on the couch w me.  So was Zoey. Paddington was on my lap awhile. 
We took outside breaks. Fluffy still heads to the lower yard.  I don’t know why. 🤷
Then, she had snuggle time.  She rested on my lap over 30 minutes    
Piper and Paddington were on the ottoman, guarding the house.   But, Gidget was right by me.   The cushions gave way and she slid down between them. 🤣.  I rescued her. 
Then, she yawned and went back to sleep. 
This is where most of us spent the day. Sometimes, we just need to rest.  

1 comment:

  1. Rest up Linda and get well !

    You have a lot of Peke nurses to help you ! lol
