Friday, April 1, 2022


Fluffy came here in early February.   She was in rough shape w “wounds” all over.   
She had immediate surgery and healed well.  She had two teeth left but still eats fine w her Trough bowl. 
I think she was a breeder dog.  She’s not housetrained and didn’t seem used to human touch. 
But, she has become comfortable.   
I think she has dementia.   She walks in circles a lot.    She gets stuck by furniture.  
But, she gets lap time and now she will hang out for longer periods of time. 
She even let Zoey climb in w her and didn’t get out.  
She was getting more used to touch.  
Yesterday, she had her head on my lap for over an hour.  She fell asleep and was softly snoring.   Six weeks ago, she couldn’t do this.  So even though she is older and probably has dementia, she is accepting comfort and touch.  It’s amazing.  Rescue can’t fix everything, but we can give security and care and love.  Fluffy is accepting it.  💕

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad little Fluffy is having a lovely life now.
    I cannot understand how people treat animals and breeding Peke's.... my heart goes out to her.
