Thursday, April 14, 2022


Gidget helped me visit the cat next door while his family was out of town. She went w me because she screams if I leave without her.  
I’ve used citronella collars in the past.  They spray a light mist out in front of the dog— not at the dog.    And the dog stops barking.  Usually.  Gidget was the exception to the rule.  She did not stop.  All the others dogs stopped and scattered to get away. 🤣. So much for that training tool.  
Tigger is the cat we went to visit.  She was usually in the room over the garage. We sat w Tigger to keep him company.  I didn’t put Gidget down and she did “sing.”  
We did go over twice a day for six days and Gidget fell in love.  
When we came home, she went to check out our room over the garage.  There’s a cat next door, so is there a cat here, too?  No.  There isn’t.  Gidget was disappointed. 
She went to the front glass door and yelled.  “Let me go see Tigger!”
Then she went out back, to the side fence.  There’s no gate there and it a newer fence so she couldn’t get out.   But, oh did she let us know how she felt. 
She finally gave up.  So sad.  Unrequited love.  It’s okay Gidget. We’ve all been there.   You’ll be fine.  

1 comment:

  1. What a sad little dog in that fantastic photo of Gidget at the fence! lol

    Yesterday I had my flu and covid injection together and I am just so sick.... last night I could not get warm and shuddered all the time.
    I hope I am better tomorrow as its Good Friday and I go over to my daughters place.
