Monday, April 11, 2022


Rocky had a very upset stomach last week-- understatement.
I tried probiotics and rice and Hill's ID Stew-- but it wasn't working.   He was having terrible accidents at night-- and I had a lot to clean up in the morning.  He woke me up during the night and we went out, but.....  Poor guy, he couldn't help it.
Since nothing I was doing helped, off we went to the vet.
Of course, Gidget had to go.  She has to go everywhere if I'm able to take her.   She doesn't understand why I can't take her to the grocery store.  
We took a fecal sample-- but it didn't show WHY this was happening!   Oh no.  (It didn't look normal to me!)
But, he still had a shot to help, and we got metronidazole and we continued the probiotics.
I also researched if one rice was better than another.   I didn't know brown rice was not the best for a dog.   (I wasn't using it, but still was surprised.)   It should not be used for a dog with stomach issues.  
Red rice (I hadn't heard of that) and Jasmine rice are also okay. 
Interestingly, Basmati rice isn't that good for your dog.  It can cause damage to their digestive tract.  
Wild rice is okay and helps the digestive tract.  Of course, never season rice you are using for your dogs.  
Here is the link so you can read for yourself.  Rice can help with brain activity and bowel health.    Some dogs may be allergic to rice, so if you see itching, red paws or other allergic reactions, stop using it.  Of course, always check with your vet on the best food for your dog.   All of my dogs love jasmine rice added to their food.   It gives energy and the starch in it is good for their digestion.  (I tried a different white rice, and it wasn't right for them-- several reacted.  That rice left!)
Rocky is doing great now.  His stomach settled right down after the shot he received, and within a day, things were fine.  He's still on the metronidazole for a few more days.   We don't know what caused his issues, but we are so glad he feels better!  💓


  1. I do hope Rocky gets well !
    I know my dear doggie Coco could not eat rice.... it upset her stomach so!!

  2. My Lilly had blow-out diarrhea about a month ago that all my usual tricks could not fix, so she saw our vet for a shot & metronidazole and thank heavens, all was right with our world again! But really good to know about brown rice!
