Friday, May 6, 2022


I’ve seen a lot of great rescue quotes.   They inspire us to keep going. 
We want good things for our  foster dogs.  My grandson found a four leaf clover.   That’s a good sign for today.  

Sweet Princess is already improving. 

“You can’t change a dog’s past, but you can rewrite their future.”  

Barty and Callie are two of my grand dogs.  Both were in horrific shape when they were rescued.   Barty was 33 pounds, and now he is 20 which is a good weight for him.   Callie was heartworm positive.  Now they both lounge on beds in front of the fireplace. 
“Not all homes should have a dog.  But all dogs should have a home,”
You know Tuk Tuk’s story.  A puppy who came into rescue- a little shell shocked when we got him.  But, he’s a little firecracker now. 

“You can’t help every dog, but you can help at least one.”

Sweet Sissy.   Years of neglect with her ears caused so many problems.  But, look at her now. 
“You can’t buy love, but you can rescue it.” 

And precious Zoey   There are so many “Zoeys” in rescue.   And maybe we can’t help all, but for the ones we can help, their lives are changed   

“You can always see hope in a rescued dog's eyes.”

As anyone who goes into dog rescue knows, it's not a for profit business, but the rewards are priceless.  If you want to be part of the future of rescue, we would love to mentor you.  The love you will receive is awesome. ❤️❤️    Do you have a favorite rescue quote? 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Linda , I do not have a "rescue quote" but I do have one that I love -

    Quote by Edith Wharton: “My little dog—a heartbeat at my feet.”
