Monday, May 23, 2022



Zoey is a Pekingese and like all flat faced dogs, she has trouble staying cool.   
We all know NOT to walk our dogs on pavement when it’s hot.   I took Gidget to get the kids from school (it’s two blocks) and I took my sandals off and stood on the pavement.   Not just touched it— but stood on it.   It was fine so I knew her feet were okay.  But, that didn’t mean I didn’t have to pay attention to her breathing.   It was in the 70s but you still have to be careful. 
Zoey is prone to getting hot.  Her tongue can get a darker red and she pants.  That means she needs help.   Of course, we have air conditioning.  She always has water available.   
Last week, she got overheated and it really wasn’t hot.  Zoey has health issues and was panting heavily.   Fans weren’t helping.  So we went to the sink and I kept putting tepid water on her feet to cool her down.  Not cold water, just tepid water.   I put some in her tongue and we stayed until her condition improved.  
Even w out health complications, you have to be VERY careful w flat faced dogs.   Their throats can swell quickly in the heat and humidity.  And they just can’t breathe well or cool down.   A short walk can become a medical emergency.  
Our yard is totally shaded in the back.  Even w that, the dogs’ outside time is very limited when it’s warm.   Some dogs would just love to lay in the sun.  Our Callie, a Treeing Walker Coonhound, loves being outside.  And her breed enjoys the heat.  She curls up under bushes.  In a hole she’s dug. 🤦‍♀️   I call her to come in and sometimes she will.  She has a long nose, shade and lots of water.  She loves it.  But, the Pekingese could die if I left them out w Callie.  
I protect Zoey more than most since she has cancer.  The rest are monitored closely.  Heat, humidity and Pekingese are not a good fit.   So, please protect your little friend. ❤️

1 comment:

  1. When summer is on here we walk our dogs over the years at night .... much cooler and not a long walk either!

    My cairn terrier Toby who I had many,many years ago ... when it was summer he was so smart, he found the coolest part of our garden and dug a hole.
    They call that "go to ground" in the terrier world! lol
