Monday, June 13, 2022



Saturday was transport day for Diamond.  It’s amazing how fast you can get attached.   But, I needed to move her because my life is a bit busy and stressful now.   I’m trying to only do temp fostering, not long term.   After over 19 years of fostering, I need some down time. 
We went to Amee’s house to meet Barbara who would meet Sherry.   And Nana was there!!   She is so sweet.  One of our recent adoptions.  
Zoey and Nana are both seniors and I couldn’t resist a picture of them both. 
Nana welcomed Diamond to her home.  Diamond charms everyone.  She may n  or t see, but her sweet spirit comes out.  

After Diamond continued her journey, we went to see Fresia.   Fresia is the puppy that came to us.  It was so fast because I knew within moments where she could go.    
Look at her sweet face.  
Scout was there, too.  She’s a PVPC alumni.  
She’s a sweetheart and she adored my husband.  We saw Magnolia, too, but she will have her own blog.  

There she is, sitting close.  Fresia is full of energy but Magnolia is a senior. And a PVPC alumni.  . 
Zoey kept falling asleep.  She goes w me a lot.  I monitor her health closely. 
“Doesn’t she want to play?” asks Fresia. 
Fresia is about 6 months now and her family adores her!  
Gidget checked her out, too. 

We were gone a long day.   The dogs at home must have thought we got lost because I’m never gone that long.   But, they did fine.   Gidget slept most of the way home. 
So did Zoey.   It was a great day, seeing friends and lots of dogs.   Next time, we are going to take Sissy to see Bogie and see if they remember each other.  I appreciate those that help w transport.   Thank you!! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh a busy day Linda!
    Diamond looks like she has settled in pronto!
