Saturday, June 18, 2022


Oreo came into rescue recently and is doing so much better.   
His bloodwork at first was fine except his white count.   A high white count can be all kinds of things-- infection, leukemia.... 
He was given antibiotics to see how that could change things.  He was just rechecked and his white count is SO MUCH BETTER!!  We are so happy!!   He is already neutered and he doesn't need a dental.  Wow-- that never happens.  
His hair is so thick and beautiful.   But, it was hot-- 
So, he went to the groomer.   He was so good for her!   He has only three legs, but that doesn't get in his way at all.   Oreo is ready for his forever home!   He's a wonderful boy. 💙


  1. Oreo you are looking so much better - Yeah!

    I am doing my Adoption Dance for cute Oreo ... he may have 3 legs but I bet he can dance like Fred Astaire !!!
