Thursday, June 9, 2022


Diamond just came into rescue.  She's with me temporarily.   Right now, as I write, she's on my lap.  She loves attention.   Her owner died over the week-end.  A relative contacted rescue to see if she could be helped.   
Her tail was trimmed of the hair before I got her.  But, it's pretty short.
Gidget went up to meet her.  Diamond was just fine with that.
Her right eye is very bad, dry and non-visual.  Her left eye is very tiny and recessed.   Her eye lids roll in, so we are seeing the ophthalmologist this morning.   I love our ophthalmologist-- they always fit in our foster dogs.
I set up an area for Diamond in the laundry room and the bathroom there.  The room is large, so she has a lot of space to rest, eat, drink.   She is using a piddle pad in there.  Good girl.  
She likes her soft bed.  She also had a bath and was very good.  
I use a crib side to separate the laundry room.  My dogs are all very curious.
She had lap time this morning.   
She wanted to be held like a baby.   
We had her first vet visit yesterday.  We should know the results today or tomorrow.   I always sit on the floor with them.   And she found me, and climbed into my lap.
Her skin, especially her legs, is very bad, like alligator skin.  When the bloodwork comes back, a decision can be made for treatment.  She did get a cytopoint shot.  
Diamond has a long way to go.  She's 13 years old, 14.5 pounds and very sweet.   She has no sight, and we are also treating her ears for an infection.   She isn't spayed and she needs a dental.   But, her heart and lungs are good!!!   We can work with that.   She has a long way to go, but she's sweet.  And sweet goes a long long way.  💕  Welcome to rescue, sweet Diamond.


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