Monday, July 25, 2022


 Maddox  came into rescue in early February, 2017.  He had been quite neglected and badly treated, but we knew with love, he could overcome that.
 Pekes have an amazing resilience to overcome things they have been through-- with the love and care of  foster moms and dads, good medical care and good food, healing can come.
Maxx was 7 when he came to us.  
Paula and James fostered him, and then they adopted him.  He was family!  
He had a great life, and friends to play with.    He had a big yard to roam around.
He celebrated holidays with them- and he met Santa!
He went on car rides...
He went shopping.  I'm sure he had a lot of attention in his cart.

Maxx developed a collapsed trachea and was having trouble breathing.   Even though trachea collapse seems sudden, the vet said it must have been coming on for awhile.  Maxx had to be in an oxygen cage, and he could not breathe without it.   There was only one choice for his mom and dad and that was to gently let him go as he laid on his mom's lap.  

They kept some of his hair-- their beautiful boy.
Run free now, Maxx.  I know Chief was excited to see you.   You were so loved.  💙


  1. Maxx was a hand full at first when he came to the Coleman home. He turned out to be such a cuddle bug. If you came into the house, Maxx would meet you at the door letting you know he was the protector of this house. Friends would soon find out that he was a softee. When Maxx and LU heard someone outside in the back yard they both would let you know that you was a little close. Maxx was not a foster failure he was a Coleman family to be. It was faith that had us to pick him up but it was love that kept him here at his forever home. I will forever miss you Maxx, you was a one of a kind that stole my heart. You can now run and play with your brothers there in doggie heaven. I will always remember you and love you. Thank you PVP for bringing this bundle of joy and love into the Coleman house.

  2. Love you Mass you will never be forgotten

  3. I am so sorry to read this .
    Its so hard and to watch them try to breath.... I feel your pain as it happened to Moi Moi and Coco .

    Big hugs to Maxx's family , he will be missed so .
