Friday, July 8, 2022


Granger wasn’t a lost pet.  He’s just at the vet.  But, many pets get out for many reasons. 
Barty is my granddog. He WAS a lost pet.   He was found, wandering with a toy in his mouth.   He was in such bad shape that he was in the veterinary ICU for ten days.   My daughter fostered him and then adopted him.  We have no idea where he lived or who he belonged to.  He’s an old boy now and his tail wags all the time.  
Dogs can get out through small window openings.  They just push it up.   If you have windows that can be lowered from the top, do that.   (Paddington and Sissy are watching the yard.).  My daughter found a dog who had done that.   Actually, he found her.   He had climbed out a window and was scared.  He saw her and her car window was open. Suddenly this pit bull was in her car putting his head on her lap.   Wow!!  Yes,  his owner was found.  
Our Callie was a stray.  She was probably someone’s breeding hound and then discarded.  She has horrible fear of storms. Loud sounds and fireworks.   When we got her, she broke down our fence, tore out sections of the fence and even managed to climb a section.   She had so much fear.  Dogs that have this type of fear may need medication.  Callie is on Prozac and it has changed her life.   We still give her extra meds if we know a storm is coming, and we make sure she is inside.   She has really mellowed and trusts us now.  She loves her evening walks and is a daddy’s girl. 
Paddington was terrified when he was first rescued.  He escaped from the person who was holding him for me.  He was so afraid.   I suggested that they take out Piper w them and they were able to find Paddington.   He is never left out alone.  He always has on a harness w a name tag on it.    
Sissy and all the dogs here and in our rescue have a microchip.   If your pet doesn’t have one, please have one put in.  Also, at your yearly pet exam, have your pet scanned to make sure the microchip is still there.  They can move or come out.  It’s rare, but it’s always good to check.  
Clancee Marie moved last year.  When pets move, they can be confused and even get out during a move.   Keep them in one room, or on a leash attached to something so they don’t get out.  It takes time to adjust to a new environment.    
Dogs can be quick.  Tuk Tuk is a fast little thing so his family has to be extra careful.   Our pets are so precious.   They depend on us to keep them safe.  ❤️

1 comment:

  1. This is something I dread.
    I have lost a dog .... my first dog who was a Cairn Terrier called Toby. I was beside myself with fear for him!
    We moved house around a 2 hour drive away and Toby got out in a hole in the fence we did not see!! They will find them.
    I rang all the lost dog and rescues and because he had a collar with his council number on it (micro chips were not around then ) I rang our old council were we used to live to alert them he could be on the way back.
    So the Council gave this kind lady my phone and she rang me.... Toby was seen trying to cross a very busy road near her shop... it was a couple of minuites walk from our new home so RAN came down and there he was in the back of her liquor delivery van with a big bone.
    I thanked that lady so much and if we needed to buy wine etc.... we went there! lol
