Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Granger-- and Tuk Tuk's-- family went on vacation.   So, the granddogs came here for almost two weeks.   Granger found a spot on the porch that he liked a lot.  The rocker is used a lot- but mostly by me.
Granger loved being outside.  We have two back doors-- he always went to the wrong one.  LOL   I think he was spying on the skinks below. I put up an xpen since he thought digging was fun.
He also loved being under the kitchen table.
Tuk Tuk wanted to play-- all the time.  Sometimes, Granger didn't want to.  
So he snarled.   So scary, Granger.  Not.  
And then, he just hid his face.  If I can't SEE Tuk Tuk, he isn't there.  Right?
He'd rather dig under my porch stairs.   I'm sure he's thinks there are treasures there.  Gold?  Nope, just skinks.  
But, it makes a nice place to get dirty.  "This is a nice hole" says Granger.
Maybe he can just lay at the bottom of the steps and watch for them.
Or in the corner.   Sorry to my daughter for how dirty Granger could get.  LOL   Tuk Tuk is nice and shiny (he had a bath), but I think Granger needs a deep soak.  😂  We have sure had fun with our granddogs here!  


  1. Its nice to visit but its nice to go home .... isn't it Granger! lol

  2. Nice story about your darling granddogs!
