Friday, August 26, 2022


Henrietta saw our special vet again on Wednesday.   
She came home and was happy to try out more of the dog beds. 
Everyone’s favorite in the kitchen.  She fell asleep. 
The one in the dining room was good, too. 
She was trying to get off the couch using the stool.  I put the ramp back in place and she used it like a pro.  (My neighbor Tiffany gave it to me—thanks Tiffany!)
She walks “funny”— off balance because she uses her left leg like a crutch to support herself.   The X-rays show she is actually missing bones in the carpal (wrist) area.    The bones are just not there- not like a break where they may be loose.   So, Henrietta may have been born this way.    She has arthritis in her shoulders from compensating for her leg.  
She had a heart ultrasound and her heart muscles are good.  Her heart is not enlarged and her heart murmur is low.  She does not need medication.   
We may see a specialist to see if there are other things we can do to help her. We have a few ideas.   She’s on Dasuquin which helps arthritis.  (All my dogs get this daily.)  She is following me and watches me.   She was cowering when I would reach to pick her up, but that is already better.   We don’t know what her past was, but her future will be full of love. 💕. She is a very sweet girl. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh poor Henrietta ....... what pain she must be in all her life.
    Linda.... she looks so sweet and I am so glad her heart is fine - that's one thing to cross of the list for her!

    That ramp is cool !
