Tuesday, September 6, 2022


It has been a few weeks since Henrietta Hope came into rescue.
She has cowered some when I reached for her.  Why, little one?   We won't hurt you.  She is doing better and Sugar Bit is helping her learn that she can trust us.
She and Zoey hang out on the couch sometimes.   "Say Cheese."
We were told that Henrietta was about 8 and the shelter wondered if she had a broken leg.   
We took more xrays of her front left foot.   It showed significant issues.   Her leg was not broken.  She probably was born this way.    You can see major differences in her two legs.  Her lwdr leg bones are narrower, and she is missing bones.  MISSING BONES.   She has less digits (toes) on her left foot.   The "wrist" carpal area  is much smaller than the right leg.  She is missing connections.   Her left front paw turns at a 90 degree angle when she walks-- and there's a callus on her leg where she had walked on it for a long time.   I've put a sock on her leg to protect the skin and the foot part is cut off so that her paw can still touch the ground.  
On Friday, we went to the eye doctor since she had "goopy eyes."  I know-- a very scientific term, but my ophthalmologist is SO Good and fits me in quickly when I have a new foster.   
She needs lacrimor to help her eyes be more moist, and she also gets some eye drops to use during the day.  The interesting part was what it showed us about Henrietta's age.   The ophthalmologist can give a much better idea since she can look into the eye and see changes that occur at certain stages of life.   
So, even though we were told that Henrietta was about 8, she is not.   Shelters do their best to guess at a dog's age.   Henrietta isn't 8.   She is an old girl-- probably 14.   She has lived with her malformed leg for a very long time.    In light of this information, I am not considering having part of her leg removed.   We will keep her comfortable with Dasuquin and pain meds if/when they are needed.   
Henrietta is a precious, super sweet girl.  She has gone through a lot in her life, from being a stray, in very neglected condition, to a little one who is very loved here.   There may be a wonderful home out there for her-- but if not, she can just stay here.   She fits right in.   (She has even stolen Callie's bed in our bedroom and Callie just looks at her and finds another spot to sleep.)   Henrietta has a hernia, so that will be repaired and she will be spayed if it's safe.   My vet is finding a spot to fit her in.   Henrietta is teaching us lessons, so stay tuned for more of them.   She has a wonderful happy spirit.  💕


  1. What a brave and courageous girl Henrietta is and she has survived at such a old age with so many dreadful problems too!

    Give her a big kiss Linda ..... and I hope the Vets can help her have a painless life.

    Just being in your care must be like luxury to her!!!
    What a sweet girl.
