Wednesday, September 21, 2022


Yesterday, it was off to the vet.   Ferby needed to begin his vetting.  He is fostered in my area, so I went, too. 
We have a protocol for each new one.   Yes, they have to be weighed. 
It’s okay Ferby.   Just don’t look. 🤣🤣. He’s 16 pounds, a good weight for him.  
He had been given a haircut before we got him and his hair is thin.   Bloodwork is part of our regimen.   We want to see if anything needs attention.  
His eyes and ears were checked.  We think he’s deaf, and he’s 13, so his vision isn’t perfect, but he gets around fine.  He also had his heart checked- no murmur!  Yay!  We do urinalysis on them, too.  So many have infections, so we check.   
He needs a dental, and he’s in good shape.  He scratched on the door to go out.   We said, “just a minute.”   We should have listened. 😩.  He was telling us he needed to go out.  
He was a good boy.   Time for home!  ❤️

1 comment:

  1. Oh good boy Ferby you tried to tell Linda you wanted to go out! lol

    He is super sweet Linda and who ever adopts Ferby will be so lucky. :)
