Friday, November 11, 2022


Senior dogs are wonderful.   Danny is one of our new foster dogs-- and we think he's about 9, so not really a senior in the Pekingese breed.    They can live to 14 or 15 or up.    Bridget lived to 18.   My Max was almost 17.    November is "Adopt a Senior Dog" month-- and our rescue is giving a special fee for seniors this month.   $150 is our fee this month for a Peke 11 or more.  
My Sissy is about 13 now-- we don't know, since we don't know her birthday.   I found some quotes about seniors.  I'm going to share them here.  
"Regardless of the age of a dog, they remain our babies to the end of time."  (anonymous)
Zoey is probably about 15 now.  She keeps going and still gets the "happies."   Moment where she is just tickled with her life.   
"I love puppies, but there is nothing like the sweet soul of an old dog."  (anonymous)
Muffie is about 11 we think.    She has begun her medical and will have her dental and spay and mammary surgeries beginning in a few weeks.  
"Raising a dog is like a rainbow.   Puppies are the joy at one end.   Old dogs are the treasure at the other." (anonymous)
Ralo came into rescue this month.  He is 13 and a sweet old man.   He is being adopted.  What a treasure he is.
"My face may be white, but my heart is pure gold.   There is no shame in growing old." anonymous
Josie is a visitor in our rescue.   I'll tell you her story later.   She is 15 and definitely a senior.  
"We are never too old to love or be loved.  Cherish your senior companion."  anonymous
Chip was an older dog when we got him into rescue years ago.   He had a wonderful life after adoption.   He was in a shelter and not being adopted.  So, we took him in and found him a home.
"Better to have loved and lost a senior dog than to let one die alone in a shelter." (William Croswell Doane)
Diamond is a beautiful, joyful little senior.   She needs care (baths a few times a week as her skin continues to improve).  She is blind (no eyes), but her heart is happy.   Does she deserve her own home?  YES!  Her foster home is AWESOME, but as foster  moms/dads, we just can't keep them all, or we won't be able to help another.  
"I may not always hear when you call my name, and sometimes I miss the ball on an easy toss.  But the love for you will never, ever grow old."  anonymous 
Nana was an old girl when she came into rescue.  Her owner had died, but she was still so deserving of a home of her own.  She has it now--with Amee and her crew.   She may not have as many years in her new home, but the time is precious.   
"I can't think of anything more rewarding than making the last years 
of a pet's life the best that they can be." (anonymous)

Can you help by adopting a senior dog?  Do you have it in your heart to make their final days the best of their lives.   Give them a gift-- a home.

"If when you look at me, you only see a white face and cloudy eyes, a burden or a hassle've missed out on the best part of me... Love me until the very end, for I am a gift.  With each wag of my tail, I say thank you."  (Bacardi Reynolds)   


1 comment:

  1. Senior dogs are wonderful and they give love just like the younger ones- in fact they give more!
    With a senior dog you "know what you are getting" that is - the height and weight , colour of coat and that personality can only get better with your love.

    I do hope people consider adopting an older dog ... I have done this a number of times and yes a puppy is cute but so much work because of So much energy and all the training you should do too !!! lol
    If I was to get another dog right now - Senior all the way Baby !!!
