Saturday, December 3, 2022


In December, it's good to take time to remember special ones, special memories, special Pekingese.  Starlight was one of them.  
I have some special blog memory pictures.   Starlight was always a favorite of yours and especially mine.
One of my treasured pictures was this one.   Max, Kai Kai, Floyd, Starlight and Chumley.  
Our Christmas Pekes.  🎄
Another favorite was Jay Jay under the tree.  A PVPC alumni.   
His brother, Cosmo-- I love this picture.  Phyllis shared it with me years ago, and there's just something about it that touched my heart.
Lafite was another one.   This beautiful picture, of him looking out at Christmas time.   I want you to share your favorite Christmas pictures.   Post them in the comments and make sure you put their name.  Christmas is a time to remember those special ones who have blessed our lives.   And a time to enjoy those who are part of our lives now.   I can't wait to see your pictures.   I will be sharing them all month long.  

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