Thursday, January 12, 2023


Buddy belonged to my friend, Betsy and her husband.
He was a beautiful boy.
His dad wrote a perfect farewell for him, so I'll use it here.    Buddy passed away in early December.  
"For anyone who has ever lost a dog, my heart breaks for you. You will never understand the pain until it happpens to you.
Losing my Buddy has been one of the worst things I have ever experienced. My soul has been ripped out. I miss him so much.
Buddy made me and Betsy Emery a family. You were the missing piece that completed us. We ended up with 3 more because Buddy was so perfect we wanted more like him. I realize now there will never be any other dog like Buddy. He was one of a kind, be was the BEST!
Daddy loves you big free my little Ducky."
Buddy's mom, Betsy, continued his thoughts on her boy.  
 "I once came across a quote..."a dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself". I have been lucky enough to experience this firsthand for the last eight years. The day that Buddy came into our lives I never imagined the amount of joy and happiness he would bring. I never knew I could love something so much. And I certainly wasn't prepared for the amount of pain that came with goodbye." 

Buddy passed away peacefully in our arms on Wednesday.  Letting him go was one of the hardest things I will ever experience in my lifetime, but after 15 wonderful years, his precious body was tired. He let us know that he was ready, and we held him as he made the journey across the Rainbow Bridge 🌈 

My sweet Buddy boy, I love you more than I could ever put into words. Thank you for always being the constant light in our lives. Thank you for the immense amount of love, happiness, and laughter you brought into our lives. Thank you for being the best companion and friend to ever exist. A piece of me left with you when you passed, and life will never be the same without you. I know you are free now, and I look forward to the day that we are together again. I'll see you soon my sweet boy ❤️"

Run free, beautiful Buddy.  💙

1 comment:

  1. That last photo is a beauty of dear Buddy.

    Big hugs to you both for the loss of Buddy. He was so loved.
