Saturday, March 4, 2023


Lion dogs!   That’s what Pekingese are called.  But most are not a bit fierce. Baby and Charlie aren’t. 
Red thinks he’s fierce.  He’s going to kill that brush. 
Sue’s Pekes would rather wrestle.  
Angela’s Peke has a Lion mane. 
Vanessa says hers has the heart of a Lion 
Abby and Piper are getting all tangled up!   Their new sister is Diamond 💎from PVPC. 
Genise boy is a senior.  Naps are better than roaring. 
Sherrys lioness is resting.  Hard being so cute. 
Gigi isn’t a Lion.    She’s just sweet. 
Machi and China Doll are so precious.  Honorary PVPC Pekes. ❤️
Ohhh. Did you win that bone is a fight?
Lions aren’t supposed to be in the snow.  They live in Africa. 
Moe is looking for prey.  Do you believe that?  Me either. 
Maryanne’s boy wanted to show how fierce he is.  Very scary. 
I see Lizzie peeking over Moe w Elwood beside him.  No lions there. 
Princeton that’s a gingerbread man.  Are you roaring at it ??
Paddington.   Don’t think about roaring at Zoey.  I’m right here. 
Rick—well he can be a Lion at times.  He just can’t help himself.  But he’s usually like a lamb.  He’s come a long way!  🦁


  1. Now Linda...... Pekingese are Lion Dogs ..... when they see a cat in their backyard like Yum Yum did today ..... he chased it down and the poor cat flew over the fence.
    That is not all..... then the stinker barked and barked and hung around that fence in 30c (86f) temp. thinking that the cat would jump back over!!! lol
    That is a Lion.
    A stupid one but a Lion all the same ! lol
