Thursday, February 9, 2023



Ten years ago, we took Harley and Cici into rescue.   They had been wandering down the road together, and no one ever claimed them.    Cici was pregnant and rescue had PUPPIES!
We found homes for all of them-- most in one family of sisters.   Harley and Cici stayed together and the others found wonderful homes.  

Thurston was one of the puppies.  

Theodora and Thurston were adopted together-- two fluffy adorable puppies who are now beautiful Pekingese buddies.  
Thurston and Thea have so many warm clothes.   It's cold where they live. 

Thea loves her mom's job--- they get to play with lots of dogs since their mom has a doggy play business and it's AWESOME.  
Toys, tunnels, lots of space and lots of friends.  
Life is great for Thurston and Thea.   It's a perfect life.  💖💖

1 comment:

  1. A doggy play business Theodora and Thurston..... you must have tons of friends!!!
