Thursday, March 9, 2023


We have had something happen that has never happened before.    All our foster dogs are adopted or have adoption pending.   WOW.
Fey is one of them.   She's hanging in there-- determined to be with us awhile even with her bad heart.  She has had several seizures, so she is monitored closely.   She is a senior, and loves her foster home.
Rosie has "issues" that made her not very adoptable.    So, she stayed in our program.   She is doing well with her foster family and they know her quirks and how to work with her.  (Yes, we realized she was a mix after committing to her--isn't she beautiful?)
Fancy is another permanent foster.   She came from a legal seizure-- she had been living in car with someone who wasn't stable and she was very traumatized.   Her foster mom has worked diligently with her, and Fancy has come so far.   But, is she adoptable?  We have to follow rules because we are a state certified rescue.   So, she will remain in rescue.   We know she will continue to improve as she realizes how stable her life is now.
Rick (Bric) came from an unknown situation-- but he went through something.   His foster mom has been so patient with him and continues to work with him.   He's an older boy.  We were told he was 13 two years ago, but we don't know.  
Henni (Henrietta Hope) has special needs with a malformed leg.  She is so precious in temperament.  She just got a new leg brace to protect her leg from having ruptures on the callous she has formed from years of walking on the side of her leg.   She is just so good.  We all love her.
Princerss- oh, what a sweetheart.  She came to us after being turned into a shelter.   She has heart problems and is on medication.  She needed a lot of medical care and will remain in her foster home.  She is "sister" to Muffie, who is being adopted by their foster mom.  I'm so happy!

Sissy was part of the Potomac Six rescue a few years ago.  She was adopted and very traumatized by it.   After being in her new home for several weeks, the owners called me.   Sissy had bonded with me and all she did was sit and look out the window waiting for me to come get her.   Oh, my heart.  Her emotions just could not handle another change.  So, she is here with me the rest of her life.   I think she's about 13 now.   She has continued ear issues from a life of untreated ear infections.   She is a sweet loyal girl.  I'm honored she chose me.

You all know Zoey.  She came into rescue 2 1/2 years ago.  She had a possible adoption when we realized something was wrong.  After months of testing, we found out she had bone cancer.  She is also deaf and mostly blind (sees shadows, so can prance along after me).  She is determined to stay and she sleeps by my head each night.  

We are open to new ones coming into rescue.   For now, we continue to care for the ones we have committed to.   We can always use foster home-- You have to live in the Virginia Maryland area and have to have vet and home checks before approval.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone of your foster dogs are just beautiful and the people who look after them are just wonderful !!!
