Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Paulee came into rescue after his owners passed away.   
His foster mom, Lisa, caught him up medically and then we waited for that perfect home.
His name had been PeeWee, but I just couldn't keep that.  So, it became Paulee.   I let the previous owner's granddaughter know of the change, and she started tearing up.   The grandkids of the owner are Ashlee, Emilee, Allee, and Maddee.  All end with a double "e"-- so his name change meant a lot to her.   She told me her eyes watered when she saw it.  We don't always know the little things we do that effect others and confirm they made the right choice.   It touched my heart.
Lisa and Paulee went on a visit on Saturday.   
The home had two dogs and two older kids and their Pekingese had passed away.   Their other dogs were so welcoming to Paulee.  
The family fell in love with Paulee right away-- it was the perfect home for him.   It's a family who believes in rescue and they were excited!
Welcome to your new life Paulee!!   We are so happy for you! 

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