Sunday, April 16, 2023


With multiple dogs, they don’t usually all get baths the same day.   Sometimes, I trim their hair and do their nails (I really hate doing the nails).  Zoeys turn was yesterday.  
Her hair has become so thick!   It’s beautiful.  With warmer weather coming, I did trim her down.   

I specifically had a large kitchen sink put in when we moved in our home so that I could bathe dogs there.   Pekingese size dogs.  Nope, Callie doesn’t fit. 

Zoey has  always been so good about her nails.  Wahoo!
Zoey wasn’t crazy about being blown dry.   But we got there and then she could finish drying on the warm porch.  It’s was upper 70s today.  Great weather!
She was a happy camper when she sat by me at dinner.  She has her own but she’s always happy to sit with us.  HAPPY SUNDAY FROM CAMP RUNAMUCK! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Sunday to you all and especially the manicured Zoey !!!

    I hate doing the nails too Linda.
