Monday, May 22, 2023


 Twenty years ago, I received my first call to foster.   I had filled out a foster application, had my home and vet check, and I was asked to foster Cosmo.   I think you always remember your first foster.   When he was adopted a month later, I cried half the way home.  But, his new mom and dad became my friends, and we are still in touch.  

Yesterday, I did another transport which seemed an appropriate way to celebrate 20 years of rescue.   We took in four Pekes last week and they had been in the vet for treatment and tests.  Joey, above, was one of them.  Look at that sweet face.  

Zoey on the left is 9.  Her litter mate, Joey is on the right.  And their mama, Penelope, is in the middle.  She is 12 years old.   The twins had a puppy, MoMo.  He's still at the vet and I'll transport him to his foster home on Tuesday.   We don't like to separate dogs who have been together, but we don't expect anyone to adopt four of them.   We do want to keep Zoey and Joey together.   They need to stay together.
Zoey and Joey shared a big crate and Penelope was in one next to them.  
I took Sissy with me, since I didn't want to leave her alone with the seizures she's been having.   Look at all those sweet dogs.  
Zoey and the rest had a little walk and then continued on to their foster home.  

Penelope (formerly Pig) is blind.  She is on 3 eye drops to try to help her eyes, but we don't know if any sight will return.  Dry eye is very serious and scarring can occur if it's not treated.   It can lead to blindness, so it's very important to have your Peke's eyes checked regularly.   Penelope is less than 8 pounds.  A tiny girl.   
Zoey got a new harness with frills-- thank you Joy for donating so many.   
We finished the trip by visiting Tuk Tuk.  My daughter lived close and we had a great day.   One of my vet techs said I had the best job ever.  It's been quiet an adventure.  I've met so many wonderful dogs-- and so many wonderful people.   It's been a great 20 years! 💞

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to you Linda for all the kind and hard work you have done for Pekingese dogs over the last 20 years!!!
    You are a Peke Angel :)

    It would be lovely if the 4 could be adopted together but that is one hard wish!
    They are all so beautiful and I am doing my Adoption Dance for all 4 doggies!!!
