Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Sissy had a seizure last week.   It was a big one.  

Sissy is about 13 we think, and I've never seen her have a seizure in the 2+ years she's been here.  So, why did she have a seizure?   Seizures caused by epilepsy usually begin early.   I've had many dogs with seizures.   Scooterbug, Nala, BeeBee, Gidget.. and more.    They all had a seizure history when we got them except for Scooterbug who was my Peke and he began having seizures when he was 2.

This link gives an article you can read.    Some seizures are short and quick.  Some stiffness in the legs and shaking and then it's over.   Some have longer episodes, which is what happened to Sissy.   

She was resting on the couch and then she began rolling over and all her legs began shaking.  At first, I thought she was just being silly because she's like that.   But, it didn't stop and it was pretty extensive.   I rushed her to the vet.   This was a seizure and I knew it.   
The took her right back and she was doing better.   They said I should take her to the emergency clinic to stay overnight (it was after 8:00 at night).  In my area, getting into an emergency clinic is hard-- we used to have 6 overnight ones and now we have 2.  So, I asked for emergency meds to have and took her home.  (They gave me diazepam and I had used it before, so I was familiar with it.)

Sissy slept on the bed, so I would know if she had a problem.   She didn't.  The next two days, she spent the day at the vet, having bloodwork and being watched.   Her bloodwork was good, and didn't show any reason for the seizure.   Some reasons could have been medical like low blood sugar,.  A dog might have gotten into something toxic,  But, nothing was irregular.  
We don't know why Sissy had such a bad seizure.  It's normal to NOT give seizure meds after one seizure, so we just watch to see if she has another.  I have the emergency meds if she does have one and then the vet can make a decision on the next step.  But, for now, Sissy is doing great.   She is getting a lot of attention and being her cute self.   She's the sweetest girl.  💖  

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sissy...... I am praying this is the ONLY seizure you will ever have!!
    So glad you are home and rest up !
