Saturday, May 13, 2023


Sushi, formerly Francey, came into rescue last autumn.   
She was put in the shelter by her owner who.   Francey was terrified there, and became defensive.  I used to get upset about situations like this.  But, in 20 years of rescue, I've realized people often do what they can-- and it's not always possible to do what they "should" do.   I've learned to have compassion and I'm grateful we could step in to help.    (Do I still get upset some-- of course.  But, my role is to help, so I focus on that.)
I went to get her and I was cautious-- I wasn't sure how she would react.  She was young and beautiful-- but scared.  She just needed time.  
And she got it.   She has so much time-- with her new mom and dad.  They absolutely are enchanted with her.   She entertains them, plays with them, loves them.   
She loves her life and is so happy.  She even has horses there-- I wonder if she has interacted with them.  Maybe her mom will send pictures.  
Francey's life is now what it should have been all along.   Cherished and loved.   She is such a happy girl! 💖

1 comment:

  1. What a great life Ms Sushi has .
    I guess it must be hard for some people to give up their dogs.
    I do know there are people who don't care either .
    I bet the dog knows it too sadly.
