Thursday, July 13, 2023


July tends to be a very hot month —not in Australia though.  
Melinda (Lady Jicky in our comments) said it’s pretty chilly there. 
Heat stroke can occur, especially with flat faced dogs whose ability to cool down is hampered by their short face and throat formation.  (Sissy. That’s the wrong side of the steps.) 
This link shares valuable information 
I’ll put their suggestions below.  
Travis says KEEP FRESH WATER AVAILABLE ALL THE TIME.  We have water bowls in multiple places.  And we have a big one on the covered porch.  Callie loves being outside so I keep water there- she can drink a lot! If you go for a walk, carry water w you.   When it’s hot, they may need a drink.  
Mel found a shady spot.  But, he’s inside most of the time.  He’s an older boy and they are more susceptible to the heat.    Some dogs love little pools and going into the water.   If your dog likes water, get a kiddie pool.  😀
Stay inside during the middle of the day.  When it’s the hottest, hang out inside like Paddington and Tuk Tuk are doing.   Naps w a favorite person ate awesome. 
Boys like sprinklers!   I’ve had Pekingese who love chasing the sprinkler.   
NEVER leave a dog in the car. (Don’t leave kids either, even if car a.c. Is going.  It’s just not safe.).    Cars can heat up SO FAST.  Even a few minutes is too long.  Just don’t do it. 
If you have a dog house in your yard (and I hope it’s not really used) remember that it’s enclosed and becomes like an oven in the heat.  A dogs temperature can rise quickly in the heat.  Heat stroke is a possibility.   Heat stroke can even wait a few days to show up.  I didn’t know this. 😩.  Some signs of heat stroke are (see link above):
Panting, ears and/or tail dropping. The tongue can actually become wider and longer as they pant. 
 Vomiting or diarrhea can also indicate heat issues.  So can disorientation or seizures.   It’s critical to get to the vet immediately.   Heat stroke can become critical very fast and that’s why it is so important to prevent it from happening in the first place.  

We are our pets protector.  They depend on us.  They are worth it. ❤️

1 comment:

  1. Well its cold as anything here now but the heat is so bad for dogs especially Pekingese.
    Yum Yum , like all my dogs , stays inside near the air conditioner!
    Enjoy your summer - I would rather be hot than cold ! lol
