Saturday, July 22, 2023


Tuk Tuk came to visit!!   He brought his brother, Granger, with him,  Party time!  (Their sister, Gigi, went to the other grandparents who have a big dog who LOVES to play.)
Tuk Tuk and Granger arrived, but right after that, Sissy had a rough seizure.  So, fast response and we were off to the vet.   She has serious seizures, and my vet is close.   Britney is one of the vet techs and she loves my Pekes.  She sent me a picture.  The staff there is awesome and they all take such good care of my dogs and my fosters. 
I had to leave Sissy for awhile, and came home to find that Granger had found a great spot-- the bench is over an air conditioning vent and he loves those!
Tuk Tuk wanted to join Paddington on the couch.  But...
Paddington-- be nice.  
Finally!   Paddington came over by me, and Tuk Tuk got on the couch.  Quickly, he changed his mind, and jumped to the floor.   There are so many places to explore.   He's been here a lot, but it's still new.  
I went to get Sissy-- she has increased doses of some meds, and I hope we can buy her some good time.  She's such a sweet girl.
Everyone was so excited that she was back.   I think Tuk Tuk is convinced that she is his mom-- she's bossy to him, and he listens.  LOL  Let the adventures begin!  

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