Monday, October 30, 2023



Auggie came into rescue in August.  
When we got him, he was missing hair, and he hadn't been taken care of.   
He needed medical help and he was able to get that.  
He healed and Monica fell in love with him.   She has adopted several from us and Auggie was a wonderful addition to her family.  
He was accepted by the resident female boss, Hannah.  She had to approve of any new dogs joining their family.   She is a pistol-- but she loved Auggie.  
She would even greet him when he had been to an appointment.  Hannah doesn’t just tolerate him, she actually likes him and greets him when he’s back from his walk. 
He was meant to be there.  

His mom sent me this note, "Look at his full body photo-- his coat is so thick over his back and legs. You can hardly get to his skin!  He is such a gorgeous boy!  He is adored!"   I love adoption stories!!  They bring me so much joy! 

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