Thursday, October 26, 2023


My blogs are normally about Pekingese.  But, this one is about Annie.  She was an Arabian that belonged to my daughter.   I want to honor Annie's life.  
Annie was part of her life for 26 years.  Annie carried children on her back and was gentle.
Meghann bought Annie when she was in college.
She worked in the equestrian program and met Annie.
She fell in love with her and Annie became hers.
Annie lived in Kentucky, and North Carolina, and Virginia.
When the family moved to Virginia, Annie came, too.  They lived near Charlottesille on a farm.  Many blogs were written about going to the FARM.  Many of my foster dogs visited there.
Annie's best friend was Jazzy-Girl.  She was a pony.  
Jazzy was Lil Bit's horse-- my oldest granddaughter (who is now in college).  
She would hug her and she received a hug back.
In Virginia,  Annie later lived on another farm-- and some pigs were her best friends.  Jazzy was there, too. 
She shared her food.  
Annie was very attached to my daughter.  She would rub her face on her back.
She had favorite scratch spots.  
My daughter's family has always had horses, cats, dogs and kids.   Charlie is 16 years old and has been very loved.
Granger was adopted from PVPC.  
Tuk Tuk was loving on Gigi.  
You all know Tuk Tuk.
And then Tolstoy joined the family.  
Annie was a family member for 26 years.
She owned part of my daughter's heart.
My daughter said, "She has been my horse for about half my life. And almost all of hers. Trust, love, and knowing exactly what itchy spots she wants me to scratch when I checked on her. #Annie."
"Yesterday she told me exactly where she wanted all her scratches. And then she rubbed her head on me like she has for 26 years.   Last night she passed peacefully in her field."
 My daughter wrote this about Annie:   “God made horses that we might fly without wings.”
Annie carried me through my entire adult life. I trusted her with my life and she trusted me with hers. Our souls were knit in that unique weave of a rider and their forever horse.
Sometimes we galloped like the very wind was chasing us. Sometimes we just wandered peacefully in the field."

She said, "I didn’t know my last ride was my last ride. I didn’t know that yesterday would be the last time I scratched all her favorite spots. My heart is shattered but I am so thankful her passing was peaceful and that I got to love her for most of her life. She was almost 32 and was mine for 26 of those years. #annie"

Annie was buried at my daughter's in-laws farm. This wild flower bouquet was placed with love there.
Run free, sweet Annie. You were so loved. 💓

1 comment:

  1. Like your daughter I was glad to read that Annie passed in her sleep in her own paddock.
    It must be so hard to lose a best friend like Annie but she knew love and gave love to all her family for such a long time.
    This will be a difficult time for you Morgan and we send big hugs for some comfort.
    Lots of love,
    from the Aussies.XXX
