Saturday, October 7, 2023


In May, we were asked to take in four Pekes-- a mom, two siblings and another.  "Baby" Penelope was one of them.  
She was at my vet first, and they took such wonderful care of her.  She had to be shaved down and I put a sweater on her to keep her warm.
She was adopted with her son and daughter, Joey and Zoey.
She was under 8 pounds and was older.  
She began having signs of dementia.  
She was pacing, had severe anxiety and was unable to sleep.  She was just so restless and kept moving in distress.  
Her mom was broken hearted to say good bye to her little tiny girl.  Alix has had so many seniors and is very knowledgeable about senior issues.  She tried everything to help Penelope-- but it became clear that she was in distress and it just was time to let her go in peace.
You were so loved sweet girl.   Rest now and run free with those who were waiting for you. 💜

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