Saturday, November 25, 2023


Hannah Berry came into rescue four years ago.  I can't believe it's been that long.  
She had been advertised for sale.   She was just a puppy.   I waited almost an hour for the sellers to come outside.   It was headed toward evening and I was about ready to leave when they brought her out.   So happy!
She joined Sunny's family (bottom right).   Snuffles was also a foster dog at the time.   His adopters met both Snuffles and Hannah.  They couldn't decide-- so they adopted both of them.   💕
Hannah is so loved.  
They posted this picture last year, so I'm sure they will have Christmas pictures again soon.
It will soon be time to watch for Santa. 
For now, Hannah will be making her Christmas list.
Don't worry, Hannah.   Christmas is coming soon.   Thanksgiving was just two days ago.   We have to wait. :-)  

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