Tuesday, November 7, 2023


Potomac Valley Louie was born in late 2010.   He ended up in a shelter after an impact to his head caused severe injury to his eyes.
The shelter contacted me and asked for our rescue's help.   We got him right away from North Carolina.
He had his eyes removed and through it all, he was happy and sweet.   He was only 9 months old at the time.   So, being blind is his normal, and has been for a long time. 
Louie's mom is awesome.   She fell in love with him from his pictures and his story.   She waited until he healed and adopted him.  
He has been with her over 12 years now.   
Look at that smile!   Blind dogs can have full and joyful lives.  They learn their way around and their smell and hearing seem to be even sharper.  
Louie has many adventures.   He's been on trips to many places. 
He loves camping.  He must be waiting for a S'More.  
Louie is almost 13 now, a senior.   But, he's young in spirit.
He still has places to go and adventures to experience.
Potomac Valley Louie is an encouragement to all of us.   We love him!  💙

1 comment:

  1. What a big fat old snowball sweet Louie is!!!

    Please give him a big huge from me!!! XXX
