Sunday, December 31, 2023


Susie was a beloved member of Marti's home.  
She came to her in 2010.   She was three years old.  
Susie was a wonderful sister to two foster dogs.  
One was Jackson.   He was a beautiful blind boy who was so loving.
Then, she became a foster helper for Ricky.   He became a forever foster.   
Susie was 16, the oldest Peke her mom ever had.  
She loved to take naps. 
And play with toys.  
And more toys.  
She thought the snow was different and awesome.
Her mom is an incredible quilter, so Susie helped her with that, too.
Susie had been having breathing issues for a while.   Marti hoped she would make it through the holidays to 2024, but Susie's breathing got worse.  Her mom knew that it was time to let her breathe the air of heaven.   She held her as she let her go.    Ricky is so confused, but he will have a lot of love and comfort.  Run free beautiful Susie-- you will be carried into 2024 in your mom's heart.  💜


 So many have been helped this year and I've had updates on many.   

Theodora is Pati's Peke.  I'll be doing a blog on her soon.  
TD and foster Sawyer will be having a quiet evening.
Peppermint will continue her foster care treatment in January.  She is blossoming!  A blog is coming.
Cinnamon will be sound asleep by midnight.  
Beth's girls--- I don't think they'll be doing any party things.   A soft bed is where they'll be.  
Finley will be with forever foster Marlee, at home I'm sure.
Gidget will be with her mom, and all the girls.
Penny of the Bristol 18, is getting older.   I bet she'll be snuggling with her mom.
 I hope 2024 is a year of peace and hope. 🎉🥳!   
Happy New Year's Eve! 

Saturday, December 30, 2023


Jazzy Girl was my daughter's pony-- of maybe I should say  my granddaughter's pony.  
My granddaughter met Jazzy Girl when she was about a year old.   She began to go to the stable/farm where Jazzy lived and Jazzy came to love her.   Jazzy would race to the fence when she heard her voice.
My granddaughter grew up with Jazzy.   She was always around horses, and was so comfortable with them.  
My daughter worked at a thoroughbred farm when she was in Kentucky.  She found out that Jazzy Girl had been at the same farm.  Jazzy was moved to NC so that she would get more attention.   My daughter never realized that Jazzy would become hers.   
Jazzy lived in North Carolina near them.  The owner gave Jazzy Girl to my granddaughter for her third birthday.   She saw the bond they had.  My granddaughter couldn't remember a time without Jazzy.  
Jazzy was born in 1993, so she was over 30 years old.    
The family moved to Virginia and lived on a farm.   The horses loved the big field.   Chivalry was part of the group at this point.    I loved going up there     It was so peaceful.   
Both girls loved their horse, Annie, and their pony, Jazzy Girl.
They were beautiful.  
Bluebell the pig, showed up for this picture.  
Jazzy managed to move things around to get to where she wasn't supposed to be.   
Jazzy and Annie roamed and ran in their field.  
The girls and my daughter love their horses.  It's part of who they are.  
Jazzy knew and loved my granddaughter.   She knew her voice.  
Jazzy had health issues for years.  She was an old pony.  
Her feet were bad.   She had many issues and they did all they could for over a year and a half.  
The vet said she could not survive another winter, so they began thinking of what to do.  
Her feet would get better some, and then they'd get really bad again, 
with sores and ulcers, and soft hooves.  
They didn't want her to suffer.   
So, they spent more time with her and gave her special treats.  
And they hugged her a lot.  
They remembered times when she was younger -- all the kids loved her.  
They spent time with her.
They decided the day to let her go.  That day, the weather was sunny.   We noticed Jazzy was limping more, so it confirmed that it was time.   She was given treats and kisses and hugs.  They told her how much she meant to them.  They told her how much she was loved.   Jazzy is now buried next to her  life friend, Annie.   They must be enjoying the fields there.   Run free, sweet girl! 


Stella Fey came into rescue the end of November.  Her owner went into hospice and she wanted her little girl to be safe. 
She came to my home-- with the intention that I would move her to another foster.   But, she needed quick medical care and my vet fit her in fast.  
I got Cinnamon Cookie shortly after and I would find them together often.  It's funny, because they didn't play together, they didn't do anything.  They just were close a lot.
Stella had a dental within 5 days of coming to us.   Her mouth was bad-- she only had 6 teeth, but lost them all.    I know that felt better once she healed.   
She had Christmas with us and she was very interested in neighborhood Christmas decorations. 
I have a ramp in front of the couch.  No one ever used it until Cinnamon-- and then Paddington realized he could use it and so did Stella.   I found them on the couch regularly.  
We went to the vet to have a recheck and she got a clean bill of health. 
She loved to eat.  After two weeks of soft food, she decided she loved dry food the best.   I use a really good brand here for mine and my foster dogs.   Stella approved!
Stella loves belly rubs and cuddling.   
She snuck up behind me and tried to convince me that she should share my soup.
I didn't usually let her in the food area because she can be food possessive.  But, she snuck in and waited patiently with the rest.   What a good girl.   She did eat in the office.   She doesn't like company when she eats.   Someone might steal her food.  LOL
Stella met a couple who have adopted from us before.   They really liked her.   And they came yesterday to adopt her.  
I'm so excited for her!   I wonder if Cinnamon will wonder where she is, but I think Stella is going to be very excited to have her own family.   Rescue means helping them heal, and then letting them go.   Do we get attached?  Oh yes.  But, letting them go to loving homes is exciting, especially knowing I'll get updates from her new mom and dad.   She will begin 2024 with her very own family.   We love you Stella Fey!  💗