Sunday, December 31, 2023


Susie was a beloved member of Marti's home.  
She came to her in 2010.   She was three years old.  
Susie was a wonderful sister to two foster dogs.  
One was Jackson.   He was a beautiful blind boy who was so loving.
Then, she became a foster helper for Ricky.   He became a forever foster.   
Susie was 16, the oldest Peke her mom ever had.  
She loved to take naps. 
And play with toys.  
And more toys.  
She thought the snow was different and awesome.
Her mom is an incredible quilter, so Susie helped her with that, too.
Susie had been having breathing issues for a while.   Marti hoped she would make it through the holidays to 2024, but Susie's breathing got worse.  Her mom knew that it was time to let her breathe the air of heaven.   She held her as she let her go.    Ricky is so confused, but he will have a lot of love and comfort.  Run free beautiful Susie-- you will be carried into 2024 in your mom's heart.  💜

1 comment:

  1. Oh I do love the 'breath the air of Heaven" .... I had two Peke's with breathing issues and I think Yum Yum has them too. So I really understand.
    Big hugs to you as its just so difficult . XXX
