Saturday, December 23, 2023


Kay and  Claretta are my "Partners in Crime" on the rescue committee.   When we get an application, we go over it together.  We've worked together for years and they are often my "voice of reason."   They have become my good friends.   I'm so blessed.    They sent a group of Christmas picture of their crew.  It's Mojo, Hennie, George, Tina, Nikki and Peanut.  Aren't they adorable!! 
Hennie is such a sweet one.  She is a forever foster.   She has her bad leg that we thought was injured at first.  Later, after xrays, and vet visits, it was determined she was born this way.  I'm just so glad we have this precious one in rescue.   
This is Nikki.  He joined the family after he stayed there awhile.   He had such a bad mouth that he had to have two dentals.  Now he's healed and doing great.  Look at his face.  So wonderful!! 
This is Peanut, a new addition to their family.   He was a hard to place Peke, but he found his forever home with the rest.  
Oh Tina.  I know you.   You were in a shelter near me and you needed help.   I sprung you from the shelter and you went to live with Kay and Claretta.  They said you brightened their home so much that they were keeping you.   I'm so glad.
Hello Mojo.  He came into rescue partially paralyzed.   With lots of help, he can get around just fine.   It doesn't seem that he's been part of the family for over 4 years.   Time goes by so quickly.  
George.  Oh, George.   He came into rescue this past June.  He was found as a stray and the shelter said he was older, and hearing and sight impaired.  He went to the ophthalmologist and there were ways to improve his vision!  Yay.  He is a happy boy and loves attention.   He wil lay on the floor forever-- getting brushed  means getting attention.  Happy boy!!

Keeping all the names straight is hard.  Our board members have so many beautiful pups they take care of, either of their own, or fosters.    I like  to keep up with all their dogs.  I want to do more blogs on our board members and their dogs.   There are so many stories to tell.  

1 comment:

  1. Kay and Claretta I love ALL your Peke's and they look so happy and healthy.
    Everyone will have a wonderful Christmas with you two!!
    Merry Christmas to you all!

    I am just back from my daughters place.... we have our Christmas on Christmas Eve and then my daughter and her family go to her in-laws tomorrow the 25th. Saves fights etc.
    So my hubby and I are so full of food and it was a warm day but Yum Yum had his summer groom yesterday so he was fine.
    OK..... Linda , I am off for a nap and I am never going to eat again ! lol
